My World

When you enter my world...

It will be at your own risk.

So do so with the certainty

That you have long awaited this.

When you love in my world...

Love me with your very soul.

Go beyond my face, my body...

To be the half that makes me whole.

When I can trust you in my world...

And that you wish to stay...

I'll know you've lived your life enough

To truly honour me this way.

When you travel in my world...

You must travel light and long.

You'll sense the freedom that you feel....

As you hold me loose yet strong.

Yes, when you truly enter my world...

And decide it's time to stay...

You must do so of your own accord...

There is no other way.


By Carolyn Shannon


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Copyright 2010 Carolyn Shannon

Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus